Insurance has the main task of which is to provide financial protection for its customers. When you become an insurance customer, when problems or risks arise during the insurance period, insurance can help you cope with the compensation.

Insurance has been considered as an obligation that is needed to guarantee one's financial security. Because, by following insurance, money that has been paid or premiums will be saved and can be used when needed in accordance with the policy. When there is a risk that causes losses, insurance can work to bear the existing costs.

Currently there are many types of insurance to choose from. Starting from life insurance, education, health, to the protection of company assets. For more details, here we have summarized several types of insurance that must be held for your financial security.

Life insurance

Today, life insurance is a liability. This is because insurance ensures the security of your financial situation and your family will be protected from all possibilities. So when there is a problem with the family breadwinner or the insured, there will be a pension that can be received by the heirs.

That means, if the insured dies during the coverage period, the insurer will pay the insurance money. So the family left behind can still be fulfilled their needs.

At present, life insurance is also equipped with investment funds. So, in addition to the money deposited at the insurance company to pay premiums, there are additional investment funds as well. The benefit, when the insured dies, the loss will not only be given cover money, but also added to the investment fund. In fact, when the coverage period runs out, but the insured is fine, then he can enjoy the results of this investment fund.

Health Insurance

Indonesian people are now aware of health conditions that can sometimes be unpredictable. Having health insurance, of course, can overcome anxiety and sudden expenditure due to falling ill. With the existence of health insurance, when the illness suffered is included in the dependents, the financing will be helped by insurance.

Education insurance

The cost of education from year to year will certainly continue to increase. If it is not prepared as early as possible, you might have trouble paying for it when the child enters college. By following education insurance, then do not worry about the cost of education for your children later. The tuition fees, for example, have been prepared since the child was just in elementary school. Of course your baby can have appropriate education.

Plus, this education insurance also provides business capital. There is now insurance that can also provide additional business capital for children. So in addition to guaranteed education costs, business capital has also been prepared from the beginning.

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