The future can’t never be predicted. There are so many risks in life that sometimes can not be predicted.

A person's health condition today is not guaranteed to be the same for the next two to three years. Or if there are currently many valuable assets that are owned, not necessarily next month or 2 years everything will remain the same.

Losses that can occur in the future are vague, it would be better if you prepare these possibilities. The reason is, humans must experience the name of illness or death.

You can not resist the various risks of life, but can minimize the financial losses that will occur. One of them is by buying insurance and life insurance. With insurance, you have handed it over to a third party for life and asset protection.

Then what if all these risks will not occur? Surely it's wasteful to pay a premium every month? The impression is indeed wasteful, but imagine if you feel the protection for a lifetime? The benefits that you or your family will feel are greater than the amount of premium paid.

Why Should I Take Insurance?

There are many reasons why you should take insurance protection for your family and loved ones. Here are some reasons for the importance of insurance in life.

1. Reducing Financial Risk

When buying insurance, you do not need to worry if at any time something unexpected happens. For example, an accident. Large medical expenses will be covered by the health insurance you buy. So your finances become more stable. This is because the insurance company has the duty to reduce financial risk if a problem occurs in accordance with the initial agreement between you and the insurance company.

2. To Protect the Family

For those of you who are the main breadwinners in the family, having life insurance is needed. This is to protect the family, if one day you have to leave them forever. Insurance can provide insurance money that your family can use to get on with life.

3. Protection of Assets

Not only family and loved ones insurance protection, assets also need insurance too. Assets are assets that for years have been collected from the results of bone work, certainly very valuable. To protect it from damage or loss, it must be insured. So when lost or damaged, there is insurance money to minimize losses.

4. Investation

Insurance now also provides services for investing. So the funds that you deposit aside from the premiums, can be managed by the insurance company as an investment. So you can get double benefits.

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